Wednesday, September 11, 2013


On Monday, September 9th, all residents received notice that all units were to be inspected by canines for bedbugs.

I was home when the inspection took place, and although I have had not seen any in my unit, nor have had any bites, I was told that there were two that were found in my pull-out bed sofa. The units across the hall and next door to me also inspected positive for bedbugs.

In my lifetime, I have never had to deal with bedbugs. The super told me that an action plan to eradicate them will be taken...when that will happen, I don't know.

In the meantime, I will be taking my own action plan and dust my sofa (where they hide) with diatomaceous earth. And hope for the best.

When I move, I'm guessing I won't be taking my sofa with me.

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