Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Year 2014

Having the emergency bedbug meeting and then having several units (mine included) prepare for ISOTECH Pest Management to treat everything in my unit was a hellacious experience.

I was informed by current management on how to prepare for the treatment. I was given a flyer on how to prepare for ISOTECH's arrival.

After following the instructions (which were not very clear), and touching base with management regarding my concerns on treatment prep, I went ahead and started to prep. Current management verbally gave me the wrong instructions. I had tried to get clarification on the instructions flyer.

ISOTECH dropped by the day before I was scheduled for treatment. They indicated that they were there to assist in packing. When ISOTECH saw that I had a lot of valuable items, they touched base with their supervisor to allow me more time. Originally I was scheduled for Tuesday December 17, and I was told by ISOTECH that my unit would be treated on Friday December 20th.

I had planned on leaving for a trip to Arizona and Mexico on the 18th, since I wanted to be available to management and ISOTECH. I postponed my trip so I could continue to pack my entire apartment for treatment, boxing items needing onsite "Heat Treatment" and offsite "Cold Treatment" (which was explained by ISOTECH as oxygen deprivation in a controlled climate warehouse).

I needed to have someone to oversee the treatment by ISOTECH and the removal of my belongings in boxes. On December 20th, ISOTECH never arrived and when my hired help indicated that they spoke to ISOTECH, it was told that the date was incorrect and they had no instruction to treat on that day, however it would be scheduled for the day after Christmas December 26th.

December 26th finally came and ISOTECH did remove all boxes in the morning. Hired help left the unit as instructed and waited until evening hours to return. At 4:48 p.m. I received text that it appeared that the unit was left untouched by ISOTECH. It wasn't until later in the evening that ISOTECH arrived again to spray the unit and informed help to return at the midnight hour. This was problematic due to the fact that at no time was I informed by management, nor ISOTECH of change of treatment dates and hour.

I understand the bedbug problem here is severe and treatment was absolutely necessary. I believe management made gross error in having tenants prep for treatment during the holiday season.

I understand that many tenants complained and currently there is a lawsuit regarding this matter.

I've attached some pics of my unit and boxes so you can understand the gravity of the problem. My prep work was as if I was completely moving out.

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